Updated the runit slackware package.
Fixed a little problem that prevented newer versions of sshd to run.
And most important, now it’s compiled with dietlibc as suggested on runit homepage.
Now the package from 473k has becomed 96k, wow.
Kudos to runit and dietlibc authors, they are simply artists 🙂
site update
I finally added support for comments and a simple rss feed, so now this site is a true blog: that makes me nearly emotioned 🙂
runit for sackware
Just uploaded a runit package for slackware (should work with few adjustments) if you wanna some strong emotions, try it 🙂
fighting against crappy init systems
I hate both sysvinit and bsd style init, the why it’s obvious 🙂
after seeking for some time for a non-crappy init system some days ago i read on Roberto Alsina’s blog about runit, based on daemontools.
I didn’t know about it, but i suddenly felt in love on it, it has everything i wanted from an init system: parallel sevice startup, service supervision and explicit dependencies between services.
Now i’m trying to make a ready-to-run(tm) package for slackware, i’m pretty at a good point.
Stay tuned 🙂
published new version, this release fixes only the build system, changes includes:
-in left handed themes the symmetric cursors aren’t flipped anymore
-now it’s finally possible to install the cursors system-wide:
all you have to do is to edit the Makefile and change the first line
export PREFIX=$(HOME)/.icons/ with a properdirectory, usually
export PREFIX=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icons is a good choice,
that should also make simpler to build rpms and other packages
tiny site update
Made a printer stylesheet and modified a little bit the screen stylesheets in order to appear a little bit less crappy on inernet explorer.
But dude, explorer sucks, trow away that sh*t 😀
Making mambo simpler
I just published my own mambo template on Graphics Section.
Its name is Itssimple, because it’s an attempt to debloatify it.
It still uses table for layout because not everything is customizable and so many tables would remain though.
Eat your own dog food
Updated the installation of phpWet that runs this site: everything went ok (almost) in the first attempt.
Wow, i’m not accustomed to such things 🙂
mambo et alii
Maybe i will get a new webdesign-related work. Since phpwet is still not ready(and maybe it will never be, for that matters:),we decided to use mambo, it’s quite simple to use, but it doesn’t totally convince me.
Why the hell all these gigantic cms produces crappy html?
btw, the html produced by mambo is less bad than many others(phpnuke, ezpublis, xoops, sorry dudes, but i don’t like them:), but as many others its layout is made by inserting a table for(;;){into another table, into another table, into another table}
Another option was drupal, i must say the html that it generates is absolutely beautiful, but i feel its admin interface(and so, the structure of the underliing databse) very cryptic, but intriguing in some ways. At the moment i didn’t had time to study it more so we had chosen mambo, but i will make furter investigations, to discover if i love it or if i hate it 😀
Back to mambo, i am making a template that should simplify the layout of a mambo generated site a little bit simpler(only a pity that not everything can be themed), i should be able to publish it in a day or two.
A day spent on hacking around phpWet, now it has wysiwyg html composing with tinymce (a cute little gem, what a pity that doesn’t work with opera or konqueror) and a (still unfinished) modular structure just like the vast majority of the php content managers around there.
wow, i feel happy 🙂