Tag Archives: runit

runit for sackware round 2


Updated the runit slackware package.
Fixed a little problem that prevented newer versions of sshd to run.
And most important, now it’s compiled with dietlibc as suggested on runit homepage.
Now the package from 473k has becomed 96k, wow.
Kudos to runit and dietlibc authors, they are simply artists 🙂

fighting against crappy init systems


I hate both sysvinit and bsd style init, the why it’s obvious 🙂

after seeking for some time for a non-crappy init system some days ago i read on Roberto Alsina’s blog about runit, based on daemontools.

I didn’t know about it, but i suddenly felt in love on it, it has everything i wanted from an init system: parallel sevice startup, service supervision and explicit dependencies between services.

Now i’m trying to make a ready-to-run(tm) package for slackware, i’m pretty at a good point.

Stay tuned 🙂