Tag Archives: glaze

Glaze update


I just released Glaze 0.4.6 KDE iconset, only few more icons i drawn in sooo many months, and probably the last update for many months again.
It’s only that now I’m a little bit bored of drawing icons, because making so much little pictures can be really mind-hurting 😛

Glaze, away


Some days ago i released on this site and on kde-look glaze, a not-so-little icon theme, i hope to get it a little more complete before i will start writing my thesys in (i hope) a near future.
I hope to publish a new version of glaze, with the complete filesystems section and everything in the toolbars of konqueror and kate.
I also hope to make a new version of the good old crystalcursors with a full replacement of the cursors used in the gimp 2.2
After that, i can’t promise anything, probably i will disappear for a loong time 🙂