Netbook shell after Tokamak 3


Here we go with the long promised screencast about the progress of the Plasma Netbook shell after Tokamak. This time I’ve tried to record an audio track as well: the process is still not very well streamlined so the quality is still so so (composite+screencast still seems a big nono these days) and yeah, bear with my english, it’s what it is, like a certain Nintendo character :p

Aaanyways the stuff I talk about in this video is:

  • How to try it if you have a svn trunk build
  • Keyboard and touch screen navigation
  • New background dialog
  • Integration with the new widgets explorer

Where the last two are true for the Plasma desktop in general, thanks to the work of Davide and Ana respectively at Tokamak 3.

OGG version

8 thoughts on “Netbook shell after Tokamak 3


    Thats looking really good now, just two things;
    * Will it be possible to disable top panel hiding if you don’t like it?
    * Is it now/will it be possible to add widgets to the top panel

  2. pier

    This is awesome, really i do not find better words!!! I’m so excited!!!

    I have a concern about the SAL activity: I don’t get why, being it the place where you search (and launch) stuff, the input textline for searching is not shown by default but “hidden” under the binocular icon.. IMO it would be better to keep this behaviour for other screens while when in SAL that should be shown by default..

  3. Burke

    I can’t read the text in the plasma-dialogue opened by the cashew. I think there is room for improvement.

    Another thing. Maybe you should consult an iPhone to get an idea of how nowadays feedreader and twitter apps or social networking apps work. Those apops are widely used on those litte devices, be it an internet tablet, an UMD or a phone. I guess the succes of the netbook shell is strongly tied to the usability of the feedreader-plasmoids and microblogging-plasmoid.

    Apart from this, the netbook shell is very promising.:)

  4. Tom Chance

    This is shaping up well, shows great promise! I really like the newspaper view.

    One concern I have with the search results – which goes for krunner as well – is that there are just so many results in there! Until you disable all the plugins, searching for a web browser is *really* confusing, and even now there are loads of apps that show up and it isn’t clear that Firefox or Konqueror is the most obvious result. With the Wikipedia searches it becomes even more confusing!

    I think Plasma and especially the netbook interface need a clearer way of displaying results than in one massive mess like that.

  5. Emil

    WoooW! This will for sure rock my eeepc from now on! Just tried it in karmic and it ran fine, will download the netbook iso and try it on my 701.
    Goood work!


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