A new show in town


For the next few weeks on mondays we’ll post an hangout-based mini podcast that will cover what to expect from the next iteration of Plasma workspaces, what’s happening in the development of KDE Frameworks 5 and the new Qt5 based goodness that is coming in KDE.

First episode here

It’s intended to be complimentary to shows like KDE teatime or Luminosity of Free Software, since this is a bit more oriented on low-level architecture, but yet still explained in an accessible, introductory way (don’t worry, the extra boring part, the API review is not there.)

Spoiler alert: it will explain why there will be no such thing called KDE5 😉

1 thought on “A new show in town

  1. markg85

    Hi Marco (and the ones that participated)

    That is really cool! I noticed it yesterday on google+. I still have to watch it, but judging from the first 5 minutes it’s bound to be interesting stuff 🙂

    Going to watch that whenever i have the time. Keep up the good work folks! (same for teatime and luminosity)



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