Plasma Workspace: present and future

We saw last week the release of the first beta of KDE Plasma Workspace and applications 4.11

From my side, that’s a very important milestone, because it’s pretty much the coronation of what we intended the 4.x series of the workspace to be. It was a long ride, but I think this future release will be pretty stable and “defined” in its own identity.

The 4.11 release of the Workspace will be supported for years to come, marking in fact the last big feature release of the 4.x series.

This sounds pretty scary, but it indicates a lot of maturity, 4.11 will be a release you can count on being maintained abd bugs fixed for a long time. Nice for home users, utterly awesome for bigger deployments.

Just to clarify: this regards only Plasma Workspace so far. Applications will continue feature releases as usual, after all KDE is not a software, is a community that releases a lot of eterogeneous pieces of software.

So, were are now?

  • The desktop shell is useful by default. A default setup has all the typical functionality that a typical desktop usage needs, but.. one size does not fit all.
  • The desktop shell is very flexible, trying to not force a paradigm on you, assemmble it at your liking.
  • We have at least 5 different shells: Desktop, Netbook, Plamsa Active, Media center, part for application dashboards. Because one size does not fit all, on different devices we try to give you the best experience given the particular device.
  • QML: It’s very easy to write new components for your desktop/tablet/mediacenter/whatever with an easy scripting language.

But of course we never are happy: we want to do new things and have new features in the future..

  • We are porting to Qt5 and QML2
  • The whole workspace will be rendered by the GPU: faster and will be possible to have beautiful effects.
  • We will have one shell to rule them all: the actual Plasma Shell becomes just a generic “viewer” with no UI whatsoever by itself. Since all the UI elements will be done by QML, they can be loaded and unloaded, so a different device experience can be dynamically loaded when for instance you plug your tablet to a docking station, the full Desktop shell starts.
  • Even tough it will mean a quite big technology change, since we are quite happy with the overall direction of each one of our shells, there won’t be radical UI changes, except of course the usual incremental upgrades and refinements.

I’ll do a talk about Plasma2 at Akademy, going a bit more in deep about the technology, the big picture concept and how to get involved in, so see you there 🙂

I'm going to Akademy

New blog


After using for nearly a decade an old custom written little PHP hack (I loved that code since was my child and one of the first used-in-real-world pieces of software, but is time to wave goodbye ;), I finally moved my blog to WordPress, even tough the graphics still looks like it’s straight from the 80’s… I could never change that :p.

Any web link to old posts with the old urls will continue to work for the time being, I believe that we should try to make every Url we are responsible for on the interwebs as stable in time as possible.

A very nice thing about WordPress is that is dead easy to generate from any old legacy system a properly formatted file from which wordpress is able to import all posts and comments, I was quite positively surprised it was literally a 5 minutes thing 😉 (just adding a bit more data exported by the old rss feed as WordPress extended tags)

Hopefully, this means I’ll be able to blog more often now (Ah! the optimism :p)

Tokamak 6


Another Tokamak is over, and a very good one indeed

Many things have been done, many things have been decided this week. The main topic was prevalently about the architecture of our next workspace, and the frameworks needed to make such a vision coming to reality.

As you may already know, the new Plasma workspace we are now working on is based on Qt 5, QML2 and KDE Frameworks 5.
The platform will still run on X11, but down the road Wayland support will be added as well, work is ongoing in KWin for that.

First thing, when the new workspace based on that new technology will be released?

When is ready, where ready means there are no significant regressions left, so there will be a big technology change, but no significant disruption on the user interface.

There will be some small changes however, because the incremental improvement of the UI is a process that never stops. The login screen, the splash screen, the lock screen, the logout dialog and the fast user switching interface will look consistent all across the board, with a single, coherent QML theme for all those elements. As a side effect will make very easy to heavily customize the look and behavior of those components, either by users or vendors.

As the components mentioned before, also the shell itself will be defined by a single package.

This packae will define things such as the behavior of the desktop (icons? what plasmoids? what default wallpaper?), of the panels (how many? where?, what they do contain?), of the run command interface, and so on.

It will be possible to change this shell package at runtime, this means that user experiences such as Plasma Desktop, Plasma Active and Plasma Media Center can be loaded on the fly, on the same device and only when needed. You have a Plasma Active tablet that comes with a docking station? attach it and you’ll have Plasma Desktop on your screen. You attach your laptop to your 40 inch TV, and you get Plasma Media Center.

One interface does not fit any device, but one technology does, especially when it can give you an user interface always optimized for the device you are using in a particular moment.

A new show in town


For the next few weeks on mondays we’ll post an hangout-based mini podcast that will cover what to expect from the next iteration of Plasma workspaces, what’s happening in the development of KDE Frameworks 5 and the new Qt5 based goodness that is coming in KDE.

First episode here

It’s intended to be complimentary to shows like KDE teatime or Luminosity of Free Software, since this is a bit more oriented on low-level architecture, but yet still explained in an accessible, introductory way (don’t worry, the extra boring part, the API review is not there.)

Spoiler alert: it will explain why there will be no such thing called KDE5 😉

Active, images and devices


As I wrote before, we are trying to make PA4 as stable as possible, and as well as it was noted by some people, this involves also having images for a wide variety of devices.

What I’m doing, is kindof even another step: making the image creation as easy as possible, so that is possible for people to contribute easily in the creatoin process of those images, (especially images for previously unsupported devices).

In Mer, that is the base of Plasma Active the OS images are created from an instruction file called kickstart. you can find a source repository that creates kickstart files for plasma active here:

git clone git://

Then, what you have to do is installing a Mer SDK, following the instructions here. This is very easy, is more or less uncompressing a tarball and running a shell script inside it, and should work on any distribution.

Then, from inside the SDK chroot environment, go where you downloaded the git repo (your home is accessible from there) and do:

mer-kickstarter -e . -c latest-devel/plasma-active-latest-devel.yaml -o plasma-active-latest-ks/

it will create a kickstart for each of the supported devices in the plasma-active-latest-ks/ subdirectory, then:

cd plasma-active-latest-ks/
sudo mic create livecd plasma-active-i586.ks -o . --pkgmgr=yum --arch=i686 --logfile=plasma-active-build.log

And an iso file with the same name as the kickstart file will be created. Different devices may need different image format, such as “raw” instead of “livecd”

Right now just a few devices are supported there, what I want to achieve is to support there all the device types Active has been successfully ran on.

One thing I must say, the code in that repo is derived from the Nemo project (another Qt based project built on top of Mer) so also a better sharing of bits and pieces for device adaptations with Nemo would be awesome as well.

Help make Plasma Active 4 shine



Plasma Active 3 was released on 15th October 2012, and since then, work on the next version has not stopped for a minute, now the work on Plasma Active 4 is well on the way.

Another important release at the horizon is the KDE Plasma Desktop shell 4.10, due in February.

We believe our desktop and mobile products are closely interrelated, both from a technology point of view and from a continuity of the user experience, therefore Plasma Active 4 will be based upon the KDE 4.10 release. This will mean that PA4 will automatically gain some of the features of 4.10, at least from the technology platform point of view, but means also another important thing: ease of setup.


We are planning to release it around the end of March, and since some hardware is approaching as well, this release is more important than ever.

Plasma Active 4 will have a number of important new features over PA3, there are countless small improvements, and few features that will be really visible, including:

  • Faster and more usable web browser
  • Improved usability of the on-screen keyboard
  • Numerous improvements in the File browser application: faster, more usable and scalable to very big amounts of data
  • Device-wide ownCloud integration
  • “Developer mode” on the device, to more easily work with it
  • More user friendly ui for setting alarms
  • Better notification
  • New applications
  • Community support for new devices


But I want to know more!

This is where you can make the difference: it’s very important that the new release will have an user experience as smooth as possible. The work for new features is coming to an end (even tough you are still in time to present a work plan if you want to work on a particular one). But is starting an even more important period: testing, stabilization, bugfix.

There are many ways to help in making the release shine: it may be just installing an image and testing, it may mean getting random people to test and register the issue they had with it, it may be participating in the discussions on IRC or the mailing list, it may be setting up a build environment, and start hacking.


Starting hacking on the components of Plasma Active is easier than ever, because as i said, PA4 will be based on KDE 4.10, that means everything specific of Plasma Active can be built on top of the development packages of KDE 4.10 from your distribution of choice, while having the active workspace and active applications running from git from your machine in matter of a minute.

From a packaging point of view, is ridiculously easy as well, as all you have to do is to install the Mer sdk, that is completely self contained, can be dropped on top of any distribution and doesn’t really “touch” your system

If you are interested, drop in in IRC, on the #active channel of Freenode, or join the malinglist

Time to refresh some air


In the last entries I posted some screenshots of some upcoming features in the Plasma Workspace in 4.10, and they shown also a glimpse of another thing: a new default theme, on which I was working on since a while together with Nuno.

The new default theme landed today in git and it will be in the Plasma Workspace 4.10 release (disclaimer: the wallpaper is an old included one, the new default will be presented in a while ;)):


It’s the typical case of a radical redesign, in which everything changed, in order to seem that nothing has changed, just a general feeling of feeling more “right”.

The key design principle is to make the whole appearance “lighter”. Most graphical elements that didn’t have an actual “functional” meaning are now removed, as well as gradients (a pattern that says “3D”, usually reserved for indicating interactivity) on all elements that are not clickable.

Plasmoids looks completely flat now, the taskbar has now an element around only the active task, and the shadows of the items are different as well. On a related note, now all the popups will use KWin to draw their shadow, just like the panel. This means better layout and better integration with other windows.

widget gallery
widget gallery

New QML components: Know thy dialogs


Today part of “what to expect in 4.10 in QML components”: Dialog. The Dialog components have been introduced in plasma since sone time, and are documented in the usual page. The components that may be used to create a dialog are:

  • Dialog: unsurprising name: it creates a Plasma themed window with space for a title, a content and buttons. You have to create all of them, you’re on your own, but provides the window management and methods such as open(), close(), accepted() and rejected(). You usually don’t want to use this, unless you want some strange custom things in the titlebar area or in the buttons area.
  • CommonDialog: is a Dialog, but provides a titlebar and the buttons, you want to use this in the 90% of the cases when you want to display custom content in a dialog.
  • SelectionDialog: presents the user a list of items to chose from, useful to create menus when you want to modally ask “what of those items do you want?”
  • QueryDialog: probably the most useful: is a simple dialog with text and two buttons. Used for things like confirmation dialogs like “are you sure you want to delete this item?”. It displays a text and two buttons, that default as “Ok” and “Cancel”, but their text is customizable.

It’s a while this API exists, but in 4.10 there was an important change in its look and feel in 4.10: Now if it’s possible the dialogs looks “inline”. It will be done on the same window as the plasmoid (i.e. on the “desktop”) and if provided with a visualParent property, it will have a comic balloon tip pointing to it. As usual, an image is worth a thousand words:

Dialogs on desktop

But what about if there isn’t enough space? For instance the dialog may be displayed from a Panel, where is impossible to have an inline dialog. Fear not, in this case the dialog will become a separate window, still working everywhere:

Dialogs on panel

An “inline” behavior for dialogs is preferred because in this way questions are semantically and visually grouped with the object they belong to, and most important the desktop layer must not “interrupt” the user, it’s just background information.

The switch between an inline behavior and an external window is completely automatic, as usual, something that the plasmoid should never have to worry about.

New QML components: IconItem


Last post was about a new QML component available in Plasma workspace 4.10 with an important design pattern that comes with it: Lazy loading everywhere when possible.

Next couple of posts will be about other new and old components and the UX concept behind them.

A very important thing in Plasma is to have extremely coherent elements all across the screen, both in graphics appearance and behavior. The fact that two things together in the screen are done by two different plasmoids is something that shouldn’t really matter to the user (it’s a bit of a fail the very moment they even notice, actually). I’ll go in a future blog entry on why seamlessy melting into the environment is absolutely preferable to coming out with “clever” ideas that stick out, even if it seems counter intuitive.

Today: IconItem. From 4.10 there is a new element available in org.kde.plasma.core It’s used whenever you need to represent an icon in a plasmoid (or an active application).

This describes semantically an icon: as everything in plasma you should only describe it, and not care at all how it looks (that’s the task of the component, of the themes, of the final platform and of the global settings). Also, as common in QML, it’s just a painter, doesn’t have any event management whatsoever (so you will do it in a MouseArea for instance if needed).

To use it you just have to do:

import QtQuick 1.1
import org.kde.plasma.core 0.1 as PlasmaCore

PlamaCore.IconItem {
    width: theme.iconSizes.dialog
    height: width
    source: "go-previous"

And that’s it. A PlasmaCore.IconItem can load:

  • It can load: freedesktop spec icon names (like “go-previous”, or konsole”). It is the preferred way
  • QIcon instances (useful when the data comes from C++, such as a QStandardItemModel)
  • QImage or QPixmap instances (again. useful pretty much only when the data arrives from a c++ part)

Some behavioral properties:

  • If the icon name has been provided, it will try to load the “best” icon it can find: it tries first a plasma themed monochrome SVG icon from the theme. If doesn’t find it, it then falls back to the classical oxygen icons.
  • For small sizes, (from 16×16 to 64×64) it renders the icon to the nearest “right” size for which there is actually a n image for it on the disk, without trying to stretch it: no more blurry-looking icons! This is also the behavior for all panel icons in 4.10, so your panel will look way sharper.
  • If you set the property enabled to false it will look grayed-out with the same effect as all the disabled icons around KDE applications.
  • If a mouseover highlight effect is needed, set the property active to true (also a property binding like active: mouseArea.containsMouse is fine). It will have the same highlight effect as all across KDE applications.
  • State changes, like enabled/disabled or active/normal or icon changes, will have a short fade animation, that is coherent with the highlight animation of the icons in the panel, like the launcher.

So you should use it always when you have to represent a simple icon in a plasmoid. It is always preferable to the QIconItem component in org.kde.qtextracomponents (the latter should be used only when you can’t really depend from plasma).

You should not use it when your icon is actually meant to be a standalone clickable button. in this case you should either Button or ToolButton from org.kde.plasma.components. For instance, if you icon is in a delegate of a ListView and is the main “decoration” for the delegate (not a small button on a side), IconItem is the way to go, regardless if the delegate itself is clickable or not.

Internally, both Button and ToolButton of org.kde.plasma.components use IconItem to load their (optional) icon, so you are ensured a consistent look and behavior.

Let’s finish with a screenshot of an example where this new IconItem component is used: the system tray.

KDE Plasma Workspace 4.10 will have a system tray completely rewritten in QML (a lot of kudos to Dmitry for this!) and looks like this:

new system tray

Don’t see any difference? yep, that’s the point 😉 It looks exactly the same without losing any feature, it just behaves better, its layout is more reliable and the code is an order of magnitude simpler.

Btw, in this post, as well the last post by Aaron, there is also a little taste of something else… different.