KDE, what next?


Let me tell you a little story, a story about our vision since a while, a story about what happened the last week, a story about what will happen now and why it will matter for you.

Let’s start with a digression. I started to write this entry several days ago on the bus, from the Milan airport to Turin, after some days in Germany (more on that below) the return in Italy was so typical and so contrasting with the German aim for precision. The highway was closed in three different points, the bus had to take diversions that made the journey some hours longer. Max respect to the driver btw, he managed so well things that were going wrong in an epic way.

But in the end we arrived where we wanted, I decided to not get angry but take the occasion to think and write this lengthy blog entry…

This remembers to me some other story, that wasn’t always easy as well…

Uh, has it something to do with KDE?

14 years ago, the KDE community was born with a very bold vision: give to everybody a cool, attractive, easy to use desktop environment, now we are a worldwide community with hundreds of members, we provide a very strong foundation with the kdelibs framework, many apps, the Plasma Desktop workspace and the Plasma Netbook workspace.

In the end, why we work on the KDE software? Probably everybody has a different answer, in my case i can say, free software, done on top of what i think is the best technology available today is giving to people something that can make their lives slightly better, so the world slightly better as well.

But this to be true it must reach as many people as possible and be really useful on their today’s needs, otherwise it remains just a nice coding exercise.

Every now and then some group feels that a new kind of jump is needed.

  • How many expectations we did deliver?
  • Do we need something more to be able to be where we want?
  • How much the world is changing?

Sometimes in the arc of just one or two years, things are changed so much that you have to question your answers (pun intended?): are the questions still the same?

Many things happened in the last few years since the adventure of the 4th iteration of our platform started (that’s roughly when I joined this strange family: in retrospective I think one of the reasons was that it was one of those “dare to dream” moments).

Some of the things that happened have influenced the future of computing in general (the mobile shift that happening in recent years is only one of them), some others more near to KDE, some things happened were not so good, some were very good.

On the mobile

Not a lemonWhat didn’t change is my (ours) certainty on the goodness of the KDE platform, even when seemed a weight for some, it’s an amazing toolbox that I know it will be there in the whole device spectrum, giving not only a consistency in look and feel and behavior for the user, but also for the developer.

Some says that the desktop days are over, some says that the desktop world won’t change that much. There is truth in both. desktop is here to stay, there are so much tasks that simply can be done just there (this is confirmed as well by desktop sales going significantly up last year)

But there is as well another truth. often, and for more and more tasks, a more “human”, portable and ergonomic device is way more appealing, smartphones and tablets are an example, and that’s why all our efforts in this direction started.

We have several projects already in the mobile space, like the Plasma mobile workspace, Kontact touch, Marble, Calligra.

Can we do better? Can we have more mobile applications? But most important, can we provide a direction, an unified vision that would make KDE lead and be innovative in the mobile space?

In the end, have an unified, compelling story that would be interesting enough to make KDE the natural choice in the mobile world to both users, and who actually wants to sell a device and has to choose between the various platforms he can ship (and how much freedom he will have when he wants to build a customized, fine tuned experience)

I know what you did last week

Last week some KDE people did met up and started to discuss a bit about those very issues, challenging ourselves and taking a step back to see what we could do to improve our outreach

What we realized is that what is missing is for sure a lot, but on the other hand, we are so near as well.

So expect new entries about it in the near future, we are thinking on it 🙂

Build a device scalable user interface


As previewed some time ago, the ongoing effort of porting the current stock Plasma Desktop widgets to QML isn’t not just recreating them and be done with it, but rather pushing QML a bit beyond of what it can usually do and give a platform to build user interfaces that can adapt to different kinds of situations and devices permitting of:

  • Shipping the user interface, graphic assets and JavaScript code in a simple package with a well defined and familiar filesystem structure: one single package that can adapt to any devices you want
  • For a given device, you must be able to customize and rewrite any part of the interface you want
  • But you should have to rewrite only the parts you need, nothing more, recycling all the rest

In QML plasmoids, we provide some mechanisms (plasmapackage:/ urls, plasmoid.file() function) that will load resources always from within the Plasma package (the single zip file you downloaded from Get hot new stuff, for instance) and always the proper one. What doe it mean?

Any resource you may need, that can be a qml file, a javascript file, an image, a sound… can be something shared between all possible platform targets, or something that is specific for a certain one. Not only this, you coul need as well for instance a file that is shared between a tablet and handheld profile, but not used in the desktop world.

this little video shows the rss news reader QML plasmoid (the usual guinea pig i use for this kind of experiments) loaded on a desktop, looking like an usual harmless desktop widget and as a standalone window, intended to be used on a tablet form factor device.

OGG version

And a blurry live action video here:

OGG version

Towards a declarative Plasma: Containments and tablets


In the KDE Plasma Workspace 4.6 there was for the first time the possibility to write Plasmoids completely with a mix of the QML declarative language and Javascript, part of QtQUICK, this makes development dramatically faster (and with dramatically I mean that in around 2 days, c++ plasmoids developed since 4.0 can been rewritten from scratch)

Now, for 4.7 we are increasing even more the capabilities of the QML script engine, with the target of being able to write any kind of complex user interface with the QML/JavaScript languages in conjunction with the Plasma API.

The last addition is declarative containments:

In the Plasma workspaces, the activities are represented by spaces for the widgets, that can be very different, just think about how different they are the appearances and layouts of the Plasma Desktop shell, the Netbook and the Mobile ones.

3 Plasma form factors

The way in which the Plasma widgets UI components are loaded, shown and managed is quite important for the final user experience of a particular device, and has to be pretty specific and tailored to the particular form factor.

On the desktop shell, everything on the desktop it’s information always with you, wispered in the background, where everything is freely positioned and resized (also due to the large space available)

On the netbook, we have a different use case and a different hardware: a free layout wouldn’t work there because of the screen real estate, and because a desktop would be almost never visible there, so all the information is in a big scrollable page, that can be brought any time in front of all the other windows.

In the mobile/handheld shell, the same concept is brought even further: the widgets can zoom to full screen, having two modes, a non interagible, reduced view, to a zoomed, interactive mode, due to the extreme small size of the screen.

Now what’s missing? lately the tablet form factor is exploding, that means the need for an ui adapt to a 7-8 inches touch screen without keyboard.

On a such form factor, the approach of zooming to full screen followed by the handheld shell wouldn’t be optimal, but we had another idea there.

A first prototype of the idea we developed now was already seen in a prototype based on the netbook shell and newspaper containment in 2009. The tecnique for managing the widget was later chosen as well from the MeeGo tablet UX, even if the approach on the widget themselves is radically different (here there is a fixed set of widget that represents the main kind of media the device can handle, like pixctures, music and video)

This has now been rewritten as a stand alone containment completely in QML (with the code size a fraction of the original)

A video of a preliminar version can be seen here.

OGG version

The goal there is to show to the user a quick glance of all the data the user usually works with in all the activities (yes, that word again;) he does usually with the device, with the possibilities to expand all those little previews in a proper full screen touch friendly application.

In this video you can see as well other new things that I still didn’t write about… that’s for the next time, stay tuned 😉

Little big cleaning details


Disclaimer: this entry won’t talk about a certain thing happened those days, and I won’t in future entries as well, until there is actually something to talk about.

There is a thing that came to my mind some days ago, when i finally decide to fix a little visual inconsistency that was bugging me since some time.

In the KDE Plasma Workspace 4.7, the clock and keyboard layout indicator will look like this (landed in git earlier this week):

perfect clock text

The style of the systemtray is now much more coherent, all thanks to a quite slight change of look in those two little elements, in the specific, text svg-themed themed like the systray icons (that is by the way usable by everybody since it has been placed in the public plasma api)

A thing that will come for 4.7, is a series of many small improvements of many little pain points, may be either a small missing feature, a fix of a little inconsistency, or, in any case something small, easy to contribute that everyone that is eyeingto start to do some patches can find as an easy entry point.

There are already some heroes that have joined and started to review all shipped plasmoids for some points of behavioural consistence. First step, now, thanks to them in 4.7 all plasmoids will have a working “apply” button in their settings dialog.

You can make the diffrence too 😀

Separed at birth


Here are two screenshots of Microblog plasmoids. There are two nice novelties that can be noted here (due respectively to KDE Plasma Workpace 4.6 and 4.7) are the support of “reply to message id” in the twitter API, so in Identica conversations will appear correctly threaded (sadly there is still no way to retrieve that threading information from the API) and the support for marking messages as favorites, that will appear in 4.7

Microblog plasmoid

On the right is the usual good old stock Microblog plasmoid, on the left it’s the plasmoid rewritten in QML+JavaScript. It is on early development but is probably going to replace the fomer (there are still some layout differences and details, all of this is going to get polished).

What’s nice is that in two days of development that plasmoid reached about 90% of the features the C++ counterpart gained in well, ages 😉 so I’m quite confident the development speed in Plasma will get a dramatic boost.

All of that code in in KDE svn playground repository, I will give more info when all will move to git together with the rest of KDE software.

Meego summit and Mobile sprint


It’s always hard to get a real firm impression on something at the first shot of an unfamiliar new thing, but i can say that it has been a really good conference, at least the impression was of a warm and friendly community even if the organization was on an huge scale (having a *stadium* all for us was kinda a weird feeling, as the meego commercials at the sides of the playing field during the football game, geekiness in the most ungeek place :p) and the netbooks/tablets are quite sweet too 🙂

As the KDE side, I am seeing quite a lot possibilities of collaboration. So far most of the problems seems to revolve around one thing. Awareness. I’ve seen many times real interest after a quick chat explaining what KDE actually is.
Unfortunately KDE is seen as that big monolithic project completely desktop specific…

As soon we started to talk about the kde-mobile modularization effort of kdelibs, the multiple shells of Plasma (Plasma as a building block set to make greatly customized workspaces for any kind of device and/or simple fullscreen applications that can dynamically load a different ui for each profile)

So, in the end was quite educational for everybody. It did let us discover more about what MeeGo, how it works, and what their parts are, and many of the MeeGo community find out about what KDE is. Two communitites encountering without colliding. Great!

Today I’m in Berlin at the KDAB office. They were so kind to host an happy bunch of KDE people to discuss and develop with a mobile target in mind.

Given that almost everybody here has that tablet, expect nice demos and videos of some surprising use of that tablet later this week, alongside (finally!) real packages to make easy for everyone to try KDE on MeeGo.

Wanna some teasing?

Plasma tablet UI prototype:

OGG version

KDE games: Palapeli

OGG version

Good old habits: notifications again



We didn’t put or effort only in the mobile environment or the new declarative “way of doing plasmoids”, but the general polish of the traditional desktop shell, the “most immediate need” for users is quite high on our priority list too.

Chani recently blogged about the last progress of the activities management: in the Plasma Desktop workspace 4.6 finally the advantages are starting to be exposed to the user. In brief: can virtual desktops stop and start applications on demand when they switch? can an application be on 2 out of 5 vd? can a vd be stopped and when recreated be restored exactly as it was? (wallpaper, desktop widgets, running applications etc) can the user remove a non empty, non last virtual desktop? Can an application behave in a way that is specific for a certain desktop, like showing only work related contacts?

Answer to all of those question is a discomforting, deep, structural no. If we ask those questions for the activities, the answer become yes, and the difference of purpose of those two things becomes evident. virtual desktop -> spatial arrangement of windows. Activities -> what I’m doing. There really is little overlap between the two things. Spatial arrangement is often used as activity separation, but is condemned to remain an half backed solution.


Yes, notifications again! There won’t be any very big turning upside down of the notification an job area for 4.6 The form it’s “stabilizing”, with minor tweaks that can enhance quite a lot the look and usability of it, let’s see in brief what 4.6 will bring to the notifications and jobs area:

  • Slightly revised look: better spacing, less visual noise, more pixel perfection
  • More compact layout of the jobs widgets
  • A speed plotter for job in the expanded view to be able to see what’s going on in the transfer of a single file
  • Global jobs progress bar is hidden when only one job is running
  • Notifications can be dragged in the desktop again
  • Only one scrollbar, and only when is necessary: everything scrolls and it’s preferred to keep visible active jobs rather than the notification history
  • Notifications history tabbar is hidden when only one type is present
  • Big icons in notifications to help to identificate what it’s talking about at a glance
  • Action buttons moved beside the test to have a smaller notification widget
  • It is possible to drag anywhere the notifications popup, so regardless of where the notifications Plasma widget is, they will appear in the place it works better with your workflow.

Since a picture is worth 3000 bullet points here are some screenshots 🙂

Notifications on 4.6

One plasmoid 3 platforms


I already extensively talked on this blog about the new QML declarative AppletScript that will be present in the upcoming 4.6 release of the KDE Platform and how is important especially in the light of the QtComponents project.

A little new feature got in some days ago: in technical terms, is a fallback chain for Plasma::Package

Wait, a what? wtfbbq?

Let’s see what this means with this video 😉 Here you see some further developments over the RSS reader we seen the last time, like a search as you type filter bar and a bookkeeping of read/unread feeds (done with Plasma::Storage, a projects of the last Google summer of code).

OGG version

But wait, there are 3 rss readers shown in that video!

The other two, shown as standalone windows, they have a very similar and coherent behavior compared to the one on the desktop, but they look completely different and have some important differences in their behavior.

They are a version targeted to MeeGo Handheld and MeeGo Tablet (the one with a two column layout, that is possible in a larger screen)

Those two version, use a (very early and under heavy development) version of QtComponents for MeeGo, that in turn uses the MeeGo touch framework theming system to have applications with the same look and feel of native MeeGo touch apps, but with a QML declared interface.

What is really neat is that those are not 3 plasmoids: it’s only one, in a package that weighs less than 80Kb 😉

Also, the proper version is automatically chosen at startup by the Plasma package system (at the moment depends from an environment variable) in the code you won’t have to put explicit switches to discover what platform you’re on. You just have to provide the files for the proper platform in the proper directory, and they will be automatically chosen respecting the specified fallback chain.

Once this is in “full steam”, we will be able to have a set of plasmoids that are:

  • Traditional desktop widgets
  • more reduced widgets for the Plasma Mobile workspace
  • “Full apps” on standard MeeGo handset and tablet
  • “Full apps” on a different mobile system, for instance one completely based on Plasma Mobile.

How this can be done?

Plasmoids are distributed in packages, with a certain filesystem structure. In the javascript code you have, when asking for a certain resource, that can be an image, a javascript file, a QML file, you just ask for a particular include, you just have to ask for an “image” called “foo.svgz” for instance (plasmoid.file(“images”, “foo.svgz”) without having to worry about the actual path.

Now, (actually depending of environment variables) the actual path of the files depend from the device used, so you can decide for instance, that when you are working in a mobile environment to replace one of the package files with other one.

Files are searched from the more device specific to the more generic ones. In the example of the video there is the chain: MeeGo tablet (or handheld) -> “MeeGo generic” -> “completely generic” (where the Plasma-desktop case is treated as the most generic one right now since is the most common).

They can be qml files, images, ui files, svgs, whatever.

if the replacement is done carefully, you will be able to have even completely different user interfaces (in this example, MeeGo handheld and MeeGo tablet) but sharing the logic of the program, that can be Javascript, if the application is simple enough, or C++ modules if needed.

Declarative Knowledge Base


As I described in the latest entry, with the KDE Plasma Workspace 4.6 there will be a new feature that will be a key one for the future evolution of the Plasma platform: the ability to write plasmoids with just QML and Javascript.

So, let’s try to see if it’s possible rewrite the average widget in with the declarative scriptengine…

We have a dataengine (using a neat library called Attica) that can query the various functionalities of websites that offer an API compatible with the Open Collaboration Services, such as OpenDesktop.org. One of the features offered by this API is the Knowledge Base: users subscribed to the site can ask any question (in topic with the website) and other users can answer to them. Plasma offers a desktop widget that can query and visualize those question/answers. It’s written in c++ and is about 400-500 lines of code.

How much QML code would take to write a very minimal Declarative Plasmoid that can access the knowledge base entries trough the Plasma dataengine? Here it is

import Qt 4.7
import org.kde.plasma.core 0.1 as PlasmaCore

ListView {
    clip: true
    width: 200
    height: 300

    PlasmaCore.DataSource {
        id: source
        engine: "ocs"
        source: "KnowledgeBaseList\provider:https://api.opendesktop.org/v1/\query:opendesktop\sortMode:new\page:0\pageSize:10"
        interval: 120000

    model: PlasmaCore.DataModel {
        dataSource: source
        key: "KnowledgeBase-[\d]*"

    delegate: Text {
        text: Name

24 lines 😉

What is important to look here is the DataSource{} definition that defines to what engine we’re connecting and to what source. And the DataModel{} that hooks up what has been fetched by the DataSource to a suitable model for the use by the ListView.

Let’s expand from this to something that can be compared to the C++ version in terms of functionality. You can download an early example of the code from here. (all is available from the playground svn repo). It’s still early to include it in the 4.6 release for various reasons, but the path is definitely clear 🙂

Here you can see a brief screencast of the two plasmoids, the C++ and the declarative one working side by side.

OGG version

Here is a video tutorial that explains the steps taken to write this plasmoid.

It is also a little demo of the Plasmate IDE that while it’s still at early development stages, it’s pretty impressive already: all you have to do is write the code and test it in the preview side panel. zero worries about creating the package structure, desktop files or installing :p

OGG version