Rotating your adult content


After seeing total coolness like this and this, i of course decided that Plasma couldn’t lag behind that total ratio of awesomeness.

This is an idea from right the begin of Plasma (we always had the MediaCenter formfactor impatiently waiting to be actually used after all:)

At the begin a thing like what I did today was not possible for two reasons: throwing qwidgets on canvas is possible only from Qt 4.4 and before Phonon was not able to render over widgets. In fact the first version of the Amarok video applet had to embed a window in the applet with the video in, so no correct z ordering, no transforms etc.. but now the good plan come together and is possible to render video even on the walls of a wolfenstein 3d maze (hats off to Matthias Kretz) 😀

The cutie in this video is a plasma applet that embeds a video, it uses the X-Plasma-DropMimeTypes directive in its desktop file, so it’s sufficient to drop a video file on the desktop and the applet is automagically created.

OGG version

This applet that lives in playground is highly experimental: no config options, no audio, no seeking, just bare working.
But it’s just the beginning, for 4.3 there will be a generic widget usable with few lines of code (even scripted of course) and a basic applet. Yeah i know, 4.2 is still far and the 4.3 teasing is started already, we are soo evil :p

11 thoughts on “Rotating your adult content

  1. Hans

    > of course decided that Plasma couldn’t lag behind that total ratio of awesomeness.

    So now we just have to wait for plasmoids to enter the third dimension. A Wolfenstein like desktop? Wooooh!

  2. txf

    Reading the blog post by the Qt dude, I got the impression that you need to use the renderer that comes with Qt instead of native renderers.

    Unfortunately that completely interferes with any acceleration architecture that one would get using native renderers (i.e. no h.264 acceleration). doing this in software leads to high cpu usage. Those of us using nvidia and catalyst won’t have problems with using fragment shaders for color-space conversion, but free drivers and intel users will have to suffer high cpu usage.

    So I guess my point is that it sort of makes it less good for media center type stuff. Still ok if you like high cpu usage(for high def), but I was hoping to use shiny new nvidia VDPAU with shiny new video plasma

  3. Emmanuel Lepage Vallee

    Good, the main reason why my google summer of code have been rejected is now gone! Next years I will be able to make a MediaCenter containement in plasma without qproxywidget and compositing!

  4. Ian

    What phonon backend are you using? phonon-gst? My guess is this completely doesn’t work with phonon-xine. Happy to be proved wrong though. 🙂

  5. Marco Martin

    Ian: yes, on linux atm works only with gstreamer, but probably will work with the other backends soon.

    Emmanuel: cool, hope it’ll work out this time so 🙂

  6. MAX

    very cool, but non sense and useless actually.

    As an UI, it should provide easy and useful operations to most end users. So please think first who really need this new feature. I think most people need stable fast and simple UI. This is a desktop NOT a video game!

    So that’s why Windows Vista failed to grab people. I don’t like to see the KDE follow Vista’s failure.

  7. Nicekiwi9

    Users also enjoy “choice”… why not make a UI like a “video game” as you put it?

    The thing that your describing is infact”Gnome” =D

    a “desktop” is no longer a simple workstation, it is a entertainment platform!!

    All about what the user chooses =P

  8. Tom

    Which phonon version does one need to compile this?

    I have kdesupport/phonon from trunk, and that gives:

    /var/tmp/paludis/kde-misc-playground-plasma-scm/work/playground-plasma-scm/applets/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void MediaPlayer::init()’:
    /var/tmp/paludis/kde-misc-playground-plasma-scm/work/playground-plasma-scm/applets/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.cpp:94: error: ‘class Plasma::VideoWidget’ has no member named ‘setUsedControls’
    /var/tmp/paludis/kde-misc-playground-plasma-scm/work/playground-plasma-scm/applets/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.cpp: At global scope:
    /var/tmp/paludis/kde-misc-playground-plasma-scm/work/playground-plasma-scm/applets/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.cpp:102: warning: unused parameter ‘constraints’
    /var/tmp/paludis/kde-misc-playground-plasma-scm/work/playground-plasma-scm/applets/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.cpp: In member function ‘void MediaPlayer::setControlsVisible(bool)’:
    /var/tmp/paludis/kde-misc-playground-plasma-scm/work/playground-plasma-scm/applets/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.cpp:108: error: ‘class Plasma::VideoWidget’ has no member named ‘setControlsVisible’
    /var/tmp/paludis/kde-misc-playground-plasma-scm/work/playground-plasma-scm/applets/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.cpp: In member function ‘bool MediaPlayer::controlsVisible() const’:
    /var/tmp/paludis/kde-misc-playground-plasma-scm/work/playground-plasma-scm/applets/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.cpp:113: error: ‘class Plasma::VideoWidget’ has no member named ‘controlsVisible’
    /var/tmp/paludis/kde-misc-playground-plasma-scm/work/playground-plasma-scm/applets/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.cpp: In member function ‘void MediaPlayer::toggleControlsVisibility()’:
    /var/tmp/paludis/kde-misc-playground-plasma-scm/work/playground-plasma-scm/applets/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.cpp:118: error: ‘class Plasma::VideoWidget’ has no member named ‘controlsVisible’
    make[2]: *** [applets/mediaplayer/CMakeFiles/plasma_applet_mediaplayer.dir/mediaplayer.o] Error 1
    make[1]: *** [applets/mediaplayer/CMakeFiles/plasma_applet_mediaplayer.dir/all] Error 2

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