Physics and phpWet


Yesterday i passed my (fortunately)only physics exam (the electromagnetism part), i thought i hated it more, ain’t bad, after all…
btw, i hope i will graduate someday….
On other absolutely-non-relevant news the wonderful phpwet now sould have the archive feature a little bit less broken, so now this site has a news archive! wow 😛

an huge new year


A trite new year wish to everybody, if that matters.
This only remembers me how i’m late in my life, but let’s hope the new revolution around the sun could bring some goodThings(tm) to everyone.
So, let’s everybody get drunked!!

Ah, and this year the Bubuti will come, btw.

A little bit of history


It was around 1996…
I found attached to a magazine some chiptunes and suddenly i felt in love with that low samplerate squared-waves gems :-). For some while the only thing i did with my good old 486 was listening that mod music.
At that time i was attending a course of piano lessons, i surely wasn’t a little mozart (actually it was a true disaster :-)), but it gave me that minumum know-how that was necassary to sit-down and try to track some modules with the beloved and never too praised FastTracker2(R.I.P.), And i still believe the result wasn’t too awful :-).
Around 1999, two my friens, Fosk and Madafaka have done some modules too, so we said: “ehi, let’s make a group” so the result was “neurlogy”: the collection of the tunes we made that we published on a very ugly website full-of-frames-full-of-flash-full-of-random-colors:-) if you wants to scare yourself go to that old site it’s still more or less online, altough nearly all of the links are broken.
Now there is a little more modern site at (the one i will mantain up to date).
If i will have some spare time i hope to write again something, so stay tuned 🙂

First contents


I’m starting to populate this astonishing website.
today I’ve put a splashscreen(green tribe) i made for kde around uhm.. was june 2002 or around it.
His style is very out but i still like it 🙂

First post


“Vidi poi salire dalla terra un’altra bestia, che aveva due corna, simili a quelle di un agnello, ma parlava come un drago. Essa esercita tutto il potere della prima bestia in sua presenza, e costringe la terra e i suoi abitanti ad adorare la prima bestia, la cui ferita mortale era guarita. Opera grandi prodigi, fino a fare scendere fuoco dal cielo sulla terra davanti agli uomini.Per mezzo di questi prodigi, che le era permesso di compiere in presenza della bestia, seduce gli abitanti della terra, dicendo loro di erigere una statua alla bestia, che era stata ferita dalla spada, ma si era ripresa. 15Le fu anche concesso di infondere un soffio vitale alla statua della bestia, in modo che quella statua potesse perfino parlare e far mettere a morte tutti quelli che non adorassero la statua della bestia. Essa fa si che tutti, piccoli e grandi, ricchi e poveri, liberi e schiavi ricevano un marchio sulla mano destra e sulla fronte; e che nessuno possa comprare o vendere senza avere
tale marchio, cio? il nome della bestia o il numero del suo nome. Qu? sta la sapienza. Chi ha intelligenza calcoli il numero della bestia: essa ?, infatti, un numero d’uomo. E il suo numero ? seicentosessantasei.”
(apocalisse 13,11-18)