I released a new version of Polyester kde style, there are only some minor changes.
University, PHP and everything
The end of the university is near (or at least the first level: silly italian 3+2). It makes me less depressed than the usual about how i’m chronicaly late with the life. Since i’m a PHP-junkie i was quite lucky having the occasion to write a PHP related thesis.
I will not bore everybody whith the uber-boring thesis argument (a dictionary of legal terms, of course web-based otherwise it would lose the cool factor:), anyway maybe one day when everything will be finished i will publish it here… or not, who knows :)). Writing that thingie has let me learn many small things on what my evil plans for the ultimate website/content manager are.
So be prepared for a long and grammatically poor rant about many trendy buzzwords like PHP, cms, wikis, web 2.0 and world domination 😀
New hosting launched
Today the migration to www.notmart.org should be complete. I have also added some new sections and made some modifications ti the engine, so there could be a bunch of problems, php errors and broken downloads, so please be patient 🙂
New hosting
In a couple of days I should finish the migration of this site to a new host, so this site is about to become www.notmart.org.
I wish to thank my friend fosk for hosting me for over a year 🙂
New logo of FreeBSD
So i was the very last at the finals of the FreeBSD logo contest 🙂
But nevermind, the chosen one is failry better than mine, he has even drawn an ad-hoc font, wow.
Now I would desire to download immediately the newly released FreeBDS 6.0. Sadly, my internet connection is fully compliant with RFC1149 🙁
ban comic sans
I only discovered now this site. ROTFL!!!
But no civil action/corporal punishment would persuade the hordes of “professionals” that puts comic sans into the more embrassing places 🙂
again a new song
This time i’ve decided to return oldschool and tried to write a chiptune in the good old xm format, written with the nice skale tracker that remembers so much the beloved fast trackerII.
So here it is: Broken memories!
a new song
Concave flow!
Why concave?
Why flow?
bah! i don’t know 🙂
writing music on linux
Glaze, away
Some days ago i released on this site and on kde-look glaze, a not-so-little icon theme, i hope to get it a little more complete before i will start writing my thesys in (i hope) a near future.
I hope to publish a new version of glaze, with the complete filesystems section and everything in the toolbars of konqueror and kate.
I also hope to make a new version of the good old crystalcursors with a full replacement of the cursors used in the gimp 2.2
After that, i can’t promise anything, probably i will disappear for a loong time 🙂