

Hmmm, don’t know how to feel about this, i only hope the developement of the desktop version of qt (especially the unix one) doesn’t slow down, they’re a mobile company after all.
I hope it’s a good news (nokia: hint hint, lgpl :P) but every time a big corp buys someone else i always fell a certain smell…

exams exams exams


Today passed ad exam, yeeeeeeeah!!
It was a quite long time since i passed last, and later I collected an impressive row of failures, it seems I’m quite bach on track 🙂
Not that the party will last long, because since i’ve promised myself to finish the university this year, the next year will be quite hectic between exams and thesis, so I won’t have time to do useless things like breathing or something like that, but yeah… I also fear I won’t be able to contribute to KDE so much 🙁 but we’ll see how i manage to wrap things up…



After two years of hectic work, of dreaming, of madness the KDE 4.0.0 release is tagged after nearly DDOSing the SVN server yesterday night :).
My best congratulations to all the amazing people that worked so hard 🙂

Some commits to Plasma


new plasma desktopToday you will find the plasma desktop looking something like this. This after some commits I did today that fixes two things.

First of all now the text fits better into the icon applet and you won’t get anymore text always elided also when this is not necessary.

And the new white text on dark background combination (that fits the general dark color scheme of plasma) ensures that the icon text is always readable no matter what the background is. Maybe in the future the text will appear with a blurred halo/drop shadow like in the poor old kdesktop or maybe it will stay so, we’ll see 😀

Another tasty release


Tasty Menu 1.0.6 fixes an ugly regression and features a Brazillian portoguese translation by Ewerton de A. Dutra.
As usual you can get it here🙂
I hope it could be the last kde3 release, but yeah, I hoped so for several releases now, there is always something broken 😛