Those last months have been a lot of hard work in the march towards Plasma Active 1.0, or PA1 in short
Now I can’t already say an exact day and time of the release, but we are sure that’s near, and i mean really near
Every one of you can help making the first release as good as possible, how?
The current pre-release images are downloadable from the usual place, test the hell out of it, it’s fun
If you find something that is still a bit problematic, you can go to, and in the report bug form, there is the “Active” product among the others.
So test it, play with it, have fun and help us to make PA1 as good as possible
PA is the common abbreviation for PulseAudio. Maybe KPA would be better.
PA will always be PulseAudio for me. But thats just a little issue.
Is a virtualBox sufficient for a quick test of “PA1”?
Yes, yes, I know about the rebranding, but Plasma Active is perfect to market as the new KDE 5 interface. Specially after we seen the tablet-driven Windows 8 interface.
I hope you add keyboard interaction to your tablet AND to your potential Plasma Active desktop interface, just like Microsoft is doing. Keyboard interaction remains as one of the weaknesses of Plasma and KDE 4 in general, and KDE wasn’t always like that (the keyboard navigation system in KHTML is SUPREME, simply the best :))
I click through to download the live openSUSE iso and then click on the Installation link, but the ISO’s from there seem to be a couple of months old (from July).
I thought daily iso’s were being created, or is the idea to install from it and do a zypper dup?
Yes, an new openSUSE live image would be great!
an new openSUSE live image would be great–