Trying the netbook project made easy


Since two days there is a new module in systemsettings: workspace under the Desktop category.
workspace options
Here is possible to switch between the Plasma desktop shell and the netbook shell. the switch will be done on the fly (no need to restart KDE) and it will be remembered the next KDE start.

Plasma desktop will close, Plasma netbook will start and some different settings on KWin will be applied: windows will start as maximized and there will be no border for maximized windows.

The other section is Dashboard: is now possible to configure from here if you want the dashboard with the same content of your desktop or if you want it to show an independent set of widgets.

In the same way, in the Multiple desktops section, is now possible to decide if you want a different plasma activity for each desktop, so the quite hidden config dialog reachable from the zoom interface for those two options has been removed.

4 thoughts on “Trying the netbook project made easy

  1. Kishore

    I’m on KDE 4.3.1 and have always been curious to know how to have kwin hide window decoration but only when the window is maximized. How do you do it? or is this a feature for 4.4?

  2. Manuel Schmid

    Nice, don’t you think that the “map activities to virtual desktops” setting would fit into this dialog as well?

  3. Marco Martin

    Kishore: it’s a feature of 4.4
    Manuel Schmid: it could be, but it’s a setting of virtual desktops too. so i don’t think having it in 2 places would make sense

  4. Fri13

    So new features for 4.4 are that:

    1: plasma style selection is moved from behind right click on desktop, to system settings where are icons, themes and colors?

    2: The independent dashboard option is moved from plasma settings what is shown when user zooms out activies, to “Desktop” place on system settings?

    3: The activies mapped to every virtualdesktop config is now moved from same place as dashboard, to settings panel where you set virtual desktops?

    @Mr “How do you do it?”

    I have not heard it would be possible right now. Only by manually set it so (or via shortcut).

    @One Activity per desktop “Nice, don’t you think that the “map activities to virtual desktops” setting would fit into this dialog as well? “

    I myself would not search that function from plasma, but from virtualdesktops. Because I want to configure virtualdesktops way and not the plasma itself.

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