Search and Launch improvements


I’ve already talked about the search and launch activity for the netbook shell, so this video rather than explaining again what this is it just gives a brief description of what is changed on it and where the work is heading:

Some work has been done on keyboard navigation, on always giving the expected thing the keyboard focus.

A pretty iconview class has been written to be used in both the results and on the favourite icons on top, making it possible to scroll by “flicking” with the mouse or with the finger in both places, with many cute animations.

And of course tons and tons of fixes.

OGG version.

3 thoughts on “Search and Launch improvements

  1. Andreas Demmer

    Stunning! The new netbook shell will most probably win marketshare for KDE. It looks better and is more functional than Ubuntu netbook remix and could find its way onto the netbooks even by the manufacturers.
    Your guys are doing a really great job, kudos!

  2. mat69

    Personally I think UNR is more usefull as it is more structured than this approach. I think that the netbook shell is a bit clumsy to use, often you have to know exactly what you want and often if you do know that you are presented with too many results, like your Konqueror example. That forces you to waste too much time on the results.
    Adding Konqueror to the favorites is imo just a workaround for the problem.

  3. yman

    The results section looks way too busy, The search box is just hanging there in the middle of nothing and doesn’t look like it belongs, and the results are overflowing beyond the right edge of the screen, and the favorites bar is taking too much vertical space.

    That’s all I could find that I can complain about, the rest is good.

    @ mat69:
    From the look of things, you can browse stuff by categories if the search box is empty, so I don’t think not knowing what you want before you find it is a problem.

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