A system tray even more Plasma


In KDE 4.3 there is the beginning of the support of the new systemtray protcol with some applications that supports it already, and as said, we hope to get a good percentage of our apps supporting it for 4.4.

But there will be an even more crazy thing, as seen in this picture.

I'm going to gcds

Plasma widgets can now be embedded into the system tray (here the battery icon), there is no config ui at the moment (soon to come, i think will be possible to put here only a tiny subset of them anyways)

If you have trunk and want to try it right now you can do the following. Open ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletrc, look for the systray entry and if for instance its entry is [Containments][3][Applets][63] add a new entry that looks like:


Oh, and by the way: I'm going to gcds

15 thoughts on “A system tray even more Plasma

  1. Marco Martin

    @pano: there was a start of this in the systray code since 4.2, it was disabled because it couldn’t correctly save and restore the widgets status, i’ve just kicked it until it worked :p

  2. ianjo

    Very cool! I also felt that this was missing, because some widgets (like battery or device notifier) behave very much like tray stuff but cannot be put on the tray.

    This should definitely still go in for 4.3!

  3. Marc

    I really like that. I think the only thing that could be improved would be to show to what icon the extender is related to.

    It is the same problem with regular Plasma extenders.

    The early mockups of KDE4 had nice ideas for that:

    I think the way the red color surrounds the icon and merge into the extender is a nice way to show that.

    What do you think ?

  4. Heller

    yes, this is not the right place I know, but before I can get the time to digg into bko : is this a know bug that I can’t see the systray icons when compositing is off ? The icons are there, I can click on them but they are just black… I use KDE trunk btw

  5. Hans

    Don’t have much to say other than: Finally.

    Have been waiting for this since I heard that the system tray supports plasmoids (the notifier icon (i), for example, is technically speaking a plasmoid right?).

    @Heller: You’ll probably get more help if you post it in the forum: http://forum.kde.org
    Don’t forget to include information about your graphic card/video driver.

  6. Why a plasmoid?

    Cool, I always felt the big network manager or power manager icons were wasting space in my panel!! 🙂

    What I wonder, however: why put plasmoids in the systray, and not make them a systray app in the first place?? Are they used differently than as a systray style app? I mean, who needs a huuuuge battery icon on the desktop anyway? Is it the plan to replace systray apps by plasmoids? What am I missing from the big picture? 🙂

  7. nbensa

    Hello. Why do we need a “configure option” for this? Can’t we just drag and drop the plasmoid into/from the systray?

    Oh. BTW. Very nice work!!!

  8. Assclown 2009

    Sweet jesus! I really want this feature! I agree with everyone else that there is just too much wasted space in the task bar!

    ~~ Assclown ’09 ~~

  9. James Tyrer

    I can see no possible advantage to this at all. In fact, it can only cause user confusion.

    What would be useful, perhaps similar to DC’s suggestion would be a way to have multiple rows of entities on a Panel.

  10. terry demonte

    My big qualm with the system tray in 4.x is that the icons are very small, no matter how much I make the taskbar high, tehy stay the same size.

    I install KDE4 based distros for family members and anyone over 60 has one thing they all want: BIGGER! Everything bigger.

    When eyesight is a problem, the default fonts, the icons, everything is set to a bigger size but the taskbar icons, the ones they need to click on Kopete, Skype and Amarok are the smallest things they have on the desktop.

    I installed another language for someone and they said they could not see the little flag they have to click on to change lanaguages.

    I can make EVERYTHING bigger in KDE (to hell with the design queens and the sleekness of 10pt fonts) except the size of the icons in the system tray.

    Its the one thing that’s been bugging me simply because so many older people have asked me for it.

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