Polyester 1.0.1


Yeah, it’s alive :). Finally i’ve decided to release a new version of Polyester. it contains only some minor bugfixes, in particular the long-annoying bug with kcompmgr should be gone (sometimes the windows weren’t completely painted).

As usual here you can download it and here it’s the changelog:

-corrected a build problem with automake 2.6+
 -better management of the menu stripe width
 -another hack for gtk-qt: the menu stripe is always off (yeah, it’s a broken solution but it was managed too bad…)
 -when both toolbar separators and menubar emphasis with border are turned on don’t draw an extra line under the menubar
 -when the focus policy is set to “focus follows mouse” the bad flickering should be done (need some testing)
 -corrected a bug that caused the windows not being completely painted when kcompmgr is activated